Disruptive Innovation in Healthcare

From Awareness to Possibilities: Blockchain Reducing the Interoperability Gap

The GBA Symposium on the Future of Money, Governance & the Law will include a discussion about Blockchain in Healthcare. As part of the symposium,  Dr. Ann Ingraham and Seth Pichette will be discussing the awareness and possibilities of leveraging blockchain in healthcare to reduce the technology interoperability gap. Nationwide whole patient care coordination is hampered because of the lack of healthcare interoperability. The lack of interoperability negatively impacts the seamless flow of health information across the care continuum to the right people, at the right place, and at the right time to better inform decision-making, improve the health of the individual, community, and population, and to facilitate the Quadruple Aim. 

Dr. Ann Ingraham and Seth Pichette bring awareness to the value of leveraging blockchain technology as an enabler and technical integrator to achieve the Quadruple Aim of quality care, lower per-capita cost, patient-centered care, and provider experience. Important to promote awareness and adoption of blockchain in healthcare is establishing awareness, developing a blockchain roadmap for healthcare, establishing standards, and identifying healthcare interoperability use cases. To demonstrate, Seth Pitcette presents the Blockchain Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) Drug Manufacturer To Consumer Provenance use case.

Legal system needs to shift to accommodate the technology evolution.

As I take a break from starting my Torts homework I started to think about what legal issues will be/are faced with blockchain technology in healthcare. Obviously, our legal system needs to shift to accommodate the technology evolution. States like Delaware (an early adopter (2016)), Illinois, Vermont (H.868), Tennessee, and Wyoming have taken the lead to lay a legislative foundation. Because healthcare is so heavily regulated, legal consideration in the following areas are important: 1) Enabling compliance with HIPAA 2) Understanding the impact to General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”) and California Consumer Privacy Act of 2018 (“CCPA”) – for example 3) Legal considerations related to Smart Contracts 4) Legal considerations related to Blockchain Patents, and 5) Legal issues related to Open Source in distributed ledger technology (DLT) I’ve attached one of the articles from Westlaw Edge that caught my attention. Let’s continue the conversation. There is so much work to be done in this space…exciting times!



Continuing the conversation about blockchain in healthcare and the law, I decided to look up articles about Smart Contracts and the Law. The attached article is a good start to satisfy the curious mind: SMART CONTRACTS, BLOCKCHAIN, AND THE NEXT FRONTIER OF TRANSACTIONAL LAW. I’d love to get your thoughts — especially if you are a lawyer. Where, how, and when are we having these conversations to lay the foundations that govern the innovation evolution?
